Wordament games
Wordament games

wordament games

The wordlist currently being used is all words of length 3 to 16 from the Collins 2012 scrabble dictionary, I am working on getting the official wordament wordlist. A word shown isn't correct / a correct word isn't shown

wordament games

The points shown are an estimation from the average number of points during my testing, accuracy may improve in the future. You can share your solve by copying the url, the board is saved in the part after the # FAQ The points shown in the list aren't acurate To view how a word was made click on it in the list and an animation will play showing how to draw the word, this can be repeated as many times as needed by clicking the word again Type the wordament puzzle into the boxes above, as shown in the wordament game, after the wordlist has loaded the puzzle should be solved in less than 500ms This is a wordament solver written in a combination of C and pure JS, and is designed to solve wordament puzzles in browser as fast as possible Wordament Solver By Douile (No affiliation to Microsoft or Wordament)

Wordament games